We recommend these books for those wanting to start a Disciple-Making Movement.
God Wants to Unleash Us into Fruitful Disciple-Making Beyond Our Wildest Dreams
In The Multiplier’s Mindset, Cynthia demonstrates how shifting mindsets about discipleship dramatically alter the outcome of disciple-making efforts.
This book will help you:
- Discover hidden harvesters (those you never considered part of the picture)
- Move church members from passivity to passion
- Understand that what you have is already enough to see multiplication
- Expand your disciple-making vision beyond what you or your organization can do
- Release the power of simplicity in reproducing disciples
Get unstuck and start moving toward greater fruitfulness. Pick up a copy today!
DMMs Frontier Missions is an Amazon affiliate. If you choose to purchase any of these tools by clicking on the links provided, we get a small commission. C. Anderson’s ebooks offer a “pay what you want” option. Thanks for helping this ministry continue.
Faith to Move Mountains: Stirring Our Faith to Believe for Movements Among the Unreached is an excellent, faith-inspiring 30-day devotional C. Anderson wrote with K. Sutter. Also available in Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese.

Kingdom Reflections is a simple, devotional-style book that answers questions about how to shine as bright lights in a hurting, broken world. It is written to help you be a disciple, and make disciples, who see His Kingdom come to earth. By Kevin Sutter.

Getting a new movement off the ground can be tough! 15 Biggest Obstacles You Will Face in Starting a DMM: And How to Overcome Them by C. Anderson will guide you through the primary barriers and help you move forward with confidence.

Spent Matches is an excellent book by Roy Moran on both the how and why of starting Disciple Making Movements! If you are working in a Western country especially this book is a must-read.
David and Paul Watson’s book Contagious Disciple Making is the best known and complete overview available on how to use the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) approach and how to disciple people toward faith, beginning the discipleship process before they become a Christian.
T4T – A Discipleship Revolution is a “how-to” manual on using the T4T method to start a Church Planting Movement (CPM). It is written by Ying Kai (with Steve Smith) who I often refer to in my blogs.
We Are Not the Hero is a fantastic book for anyone wanting to avoid Western colonial thinking and unhealthy dependency in their missionary efforts. This is vital when starting a Disciple-Making Movement.
There’s a Sheep in My Bathtub is the story of how a movement in Mongolia began.
Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale shares inspiring stories of DMMs around the world. Reading this will give you a good understanding of how movements happen and what they can look like.
Stubborn Perseverance is the story of how a movement began among a Muslim people group of Asia. If you are wanting to know how a Discovery approach can work, this story will give you a much clearer idea of that.
Other recommended resources:
Faith to Move Mountains – Intercessor’s Version by C. Anderson and K. Sutter. Awesome devotional to give to those who are praying and interceding with you for the release of a movement.
Go Light! Go Local! by Jean Johnson. This is a fantastic resource for anyone wanting to send or receive a short-term team and have it be beneficial for your goal of starting a DMM rather than cause problems for multiplication.
Keys to Church Planting by Kevin Sutter. In this book you will find a step by step, clear and basic plan for how to multiplying churches among the unreached.
Spent Matches by Roy Moran is a fantastic book especially if you are working in the USA or a Western context. He casts a compelling vision for disciple-making and describes the hybrid church model he has used in Kansas City.
Resources in Other Languages:
Fé Para Mover Montanhas: Estimulando Nossa Fé Para Crer em Movimentos Entre os Não Alcançados (Portuguese Edition)
पर्वतों को हटाने का विश्वास: न-पहुंचे लोगों के बीच में आन्दोलन के लिए अपने विश्वास को उतेजित करना (Hindi Edition)
I hope the resources above will further equip and bless you! Check back regularly for other recommendations and updates.