Experiencing God As He Prepares For A DMM Around You

experiencing God

At first, the Bible study looked overly simple. I thought I already knew the Biblical truths presented. Perhaps I did know most of it. God wanted me to experience those spiritual realities, even though I did not make it a priority at the time. The name of the life-changing study was Experiencing God.

A Bit of Background

Rewind a few years earlier.

I did not grow up in a family of Christ-followers. A classmate in high school first shared the good news of God’s kingdom with me back in 1984. My friend, Tyler, looked like the other teenagers around me. I could tell there was something different about him —a sense of peace and purpose.

I wanted to experience God’s peace and purpose, but my youthful rebellion and self-centeredness got in the way. For the first time, I heard Jesus Christ was the Way, the Truth, and the Life, yet I was still living life my own way.

During college, God’s love broke through my hard heart and began to change me. Then, while still in that season, God used a few older Christian brothers to disciple and mentor me. At that time, I remember hearing about a dynamic Bible study called, Experiencing God. It was by Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, and Claude King. This study is based on seven spiritual realities of knowing God and doing His will.

A Men’s Bible Study Group

A few years later, I was invited to lead a small group in our local church. As we prayed about what to do in our men’s discipleship group, God again led me to that study, Experiencing God.

At that time, and in that set of circumstances, I knew God was directing me and those men to that spiritual resource. It would help us develop a deeper relationship with God—to further know God and make Him known.

The Experiencing God study was truly transformational.

Although it has been more than twenty-five years since my first exposure, I still vividly remember its content. It was so impactful I have done the study two different times with other small groups.

God is Always at Work Around You

In the Blackaby study, Experiencing God, the first of the seven spiritual realities is God is always at work around you. We know that in the beginning, God created everything. God is actively involved—arranging, creating, designing, and communicating by His Spirit and Word.

Remember, the first verse of the Bible, God’s Holy Word says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” God’s Spirit was moving and God was speaking, as He said (His Word), “Let there be light.” As God spoke, that is exactly what happened. We see clearly in the first pages of Scripture how God created everything by His Spirit and His Word.

From the very first story of creation, in Genesis, and all throughout the Old Testament Scriptures, God has always been at work.

From Adam and Eve, to Noah, on to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the Bible, is the One True Living God who never sleeps or slumbers. All throughout the Scriptures, we are reminded that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is always at work around us.

My Father Is Always Working

In the New Testament, one of the key verses to illustrate this spiritual reality is John 5:17. As people were questioning Jesus’ authority and activity, He responded to them, “My Father is always working, and now I am working too” (John 5:17).

“My Father is always working, and now I am working too.”

(John 5:17)

In other spiritual conversations, Jesus told people that He is only doing what He sees His Father doing. Likewise, Jesus reminded them that He was only speaking what He heard His Father saying. Because God is always interacting with His creation, while Jesus was on earth, He was active in the same way. The Father’s will flowed through the Son.

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned on this journey of faith is that God is always at work in me and around me.

I’m still learning this valuable life lesson. At times, I neglect this important spiritual reality. I’m so grateful for this revelation. God is always faithfully at work, even working all things together for good (Roman 8:28) and for His greater glory (Ephesians 3:20-21).

The Deficit Is Not God’s

In my life, family, or ministry of disciple making, the deficit or difficulty is never with God. There are no problems with God’s plan or power to work in or through me to facilitate Disciple Making Movements (DMM). The challenge or issue is always with me.

  • Am I abiding in Christ? (John 15).
  • Am I listening and learning from the Father? (John 6:45).
  • Am I looking to see how or where God’s Spirit is working? (Luke 19:5). 

One of the most foundational truths for us as we pursue a DMM is that God is always and already at work around us.

Thus, there are some in our communities or cities who long to know God. There are Persons of Peace or God-prepared people in our neighborhoods or villages. In our circle of influence, there are followers of Christ who want to be better equipped to be faithful and fruitful disciple makers. Kingdom opportunities are all around us because God is living and active.

This is God’s initiative and invitation—because it is His Kingdom.

First, God lovingly pursues us and calls us to know, love, and remain in Him by faith and obedience. Then, from a loving relationship with our Heavenly Father, He invites us to join Him in Kingdom work that’s already happening all around us. 

There is much more to share about this, and I will do so in future articles and blogs. For now, let us focus our attention and affection on the Lord God Almighty. He wants to remind us today—and every day—that He is always at work around us. Even when we don’t see it—God is still working!

Yes—God’s Spirit and God’s Word desire to further work through us to catalyze and multiply more Disciple Making Movements (DMM). We start where we are but not from the beginning. God is already there and He is already working.

May our Heavenly Father give us spiritual revelation. May He show us how and where He is at work and give us grace to respond in obedience joining Him in His harvest.

Where do you see God at work around you?

Let us know in the comments below or on the DMMs Frontier Missions Facebook Group.

This was a guest blog written by John Weaver  – DMM Coach/Trainer


  1. David Ekoel Maisa

    Thanks for making now how Christ suffering because of me and I should always hold hands those who are in difficult pain and suffering..
    God bless you.

  2. Godswill Samuel Manu

    I will always be grateful to the Lord, because he is working in my life and he is inviting me to join Him to start working with him in what he is already doing around me and I want to hear him clearly leading me to where he is already working.

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