There is no time like Christmas to share the story of Jesus! A few days ago, a pastor friend asked in a group of pastors “How will you keep Christ at the center of your Christmas celebrations?” My response flew immediately to my fingers (and keyboard). The best way to keep Jesus central during the Christmas season is to share His story with those waiting to hear it!
I realize this can be easier said than done. Not everyone wants to hear the message. Some feel they’ve heard it before and are not interested. Others, though, are longing…waiting for someone to point them toward the only One who can turn their darkness into light.
Who will you share His story with this season?
For many years, I’ve sought God’s leading in December. How can I share His story with those around me? It’s easy to get busy with Christmas programs, parties with friends…all the things that pull at our attention during this season.

This Season Is About Him
I’m asking. I’m seeking. Lord Jesus, this season is about you. How do you want to use me this year?
My neighbors wait to hear the story. How can I share it with them in a fresh way? Who can I show His compassion and love to this year? Where am I being invited to live generously?
This morning I sat in the dark, a single candle lit and flickering on my coffee table. I gazed at it, reminded of the truth of His light that came into a dark and unkind world. As the sun began to rise natural light slowly crept into the room, I pondered His consistency. His light will always come to those who wait patiently for His arrival.
Advent is a season of waiting. Waiting for the arrival of our Lord into the world. He comes! He is coming! This is good news!
Who will you share this incredible good news with this year?
Choose One Person
Find one person this week, someone you know needs this good news. Perhaps it’s a neighbor or a colleague at work. Pray for them daily, in detail. Asking God to reveal to you His great love for them. Pray for blessing and peace upon their life and that His light would come, His healing and hope would breakthrough in the dark places.
Then keep your eyes and ears open and attentive to the Lord’s leading. He will show you how to meet them where they are, in their place of need.
Honor Jesus during this season by sharing His story…the incredible news…a Savior has come! It’s the greatest gift we can offer our King.
Will you join me in giving Jesus the most precious thing we can give this year?
A hungry person is one who satisfies the hunger of young children when they are hungry. God says the kingdom that the little ones used to say, Come to me.
I’ve been in the dark before, not knowing Jesus as a result of traditional and cultural beliefs but I thank God He’s revealed Jesus to me
Thank you ma and God bless you
I was lost and didn’t know where I came from and where I was going until I met the Lord and my life has changed and have now known why I am still alive and where I’ll be if I can endure to the end