Episode 68: Multiplying Disciples Among Entertainers and Cast members – Interview with Steven Barr



How do you make disciples among those who are not interested in Christianity, or whose lifestyles seem to contradict the teachings of Jesus? Steven Barr has catalyzed a Disciple Making Movement in the Disney Parks around the world. Castmembers and employees of Disney are experiencing the life-changing love of Jesus and choosing to follow Him and His ways. Listen in for some of the keys and principles that God is using to bringing about this amazing transformation.

For more information go to: https://www.castmemberchurch.com/

Key Points from this episode:

  • Ask yourself the question, what can we offer that they aren’t already getting?
  • Be willing to do what you’ve not done before, as Steven learned to be relational in order to make disciples.
  • In order to make disciples, Steven said he needed a discipling relationship himself.
  • 1600 people have come to the Lord without a budget or a building!
  • People feel 1) Invisible – they long to be known, 2) Isolated- they long to be accepted 3) Incomplete- they long to be loved.
    These are human needs that the Gospel speaks to and that God fills.
  • Work hard to express worth and value to those who are skeptics.  Find the image of God and what God is doing in them and acknowledge it.
  • People don’t care about the message you have to share until they trust the messenger.
  • Don’t rush to “close the deal” when sharing the good news!  Celebrate the micro miracles God is doing and go with God’s pace of working in someone’s life.
  • Our dinner tables are key!  Have God conversations about the big questions of life
  • Shared brokenness connects us with others. Be willing to be vulnerable about your own brokenness.
  • Jesus is concerned with heart transformation, not behavior modification.


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Castmember Church Website

Steven L Barr on Instagram

Steven L Barr on Facebook

Order The Multiplier’s Mindset Book

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course

Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers Blog

Cynthia Anderson on Twitter

Cynthia Anderson on Instagram

DMMs Frontier Missions Facebook

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