Christmas is one of my favorite times of year! It’s not because of the lights, music, gifts or family meals together though I enjoy those. It is because it’s one of the easiest times in the entire calendar year to share the message of Christ with others. This year things are different with the pandemic’s effects still felt in many nations. We can still share His message with others, but we need to get creative. Initiatives like the #explainchristmaschallenge can help us with this
What is the Explain Christmas Challenge about?
A few weeks ago as I was scrolling my Instagram account I came across an awesome idea!
IFES Global, a student ministry, was promoting something called the #explainchristmaschallenge. I clicked on the link and thought to myself “This is something I want to partner with!” I’d been looking for a good way to share with people this year.
Last week, I talked to them and we decided to work together. Help us spread the word! I want to encourage everyone to use creative means of sharing Jesus during this season.
On Friday, the 18th of December, I will be LIVE ON FACEBOOK sharing more about this together with Maeva, the originator of the idea. I’d love if you would join me that day! It would be fun to wish you a Merry Christmas and also give you a chance to hear from those who started this idea. I hope thousands of people will take part in the #explainchristmaschallenge with me. I am praying we will find new Persons of Peace through it. We can then start disciple making groups with those people online or in person.

How Do I Do This?
1. Make a short 15 to 30-second video of yourself explaining why Christmas is important to you.
Share the spiritual meaning of the holiday and how Jesus’ coming to earth changed your life and our world. Be creative in your words, background, music and other effects. Make it in your own language or English, its up to you. Some of you might make one in several languages!
2. Post the video to your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or other social media.
If you are in a country where that isn’t safe to do, send it out by Whatsapp or Signal to your friends, family members, neighbors and people you know.
3. Encourage those who watch it to respond by direct message.
In the description, be sure to encourage your friends to direct message you if they want to know more! Use the hashtag #explainchristmaschallenge to search for other people’s stories from across the globe. You can even share some of their stories on your page as well if you like.
Going Viral With the Message of Jesus
Some of you are amazingly creative! I’m excited to see what you come up with. For others, you might not be super comfortable on video and camera. That’s okay too. Do your best. God will use it!
The pandemic has caused many of us to have to be creative and learn new ways of sharing the good news. Embrace this and let God bring new wine and new wineskins.
4. Find out more and watch my #explainchristmaschallenge video. Sign up here.
5. Join the Explain Christmas Facebook Group to share and be encouraged
Need ideas or inspiration? Want a place to share about the spiritual conversations you’ve had as a result of this? Join the Facebook group.
I am also going to give a $50 Christmas gift to whoever makes the most creative video and posts it in the group. Anyone who posts a video in the group will get a free gift from me on Christmas Day (it’s a surprise though).
Are You In?
Let me know in the comments below if you are planning to do this! Share this blog with your friends. Lets blow up social media with messages about the true meaning of Christmas and testimonies of how this message has changed our lives.
Don’t delay. Decide now when you will make the video and when you will post it. Or go ahead and do it using Facebook, YouTube or Instagram LIVE right now! Don’t waste this incredible opportunity to use Christmas as a bridge for sharing the good news of Jesus with thousands.
Any questions or ideas? Let me know in the comments below or on the Explain Christmas Challenge Facebook group.
To be bold in Evangelism and Discipleship MINISRRY means being bold in approaching potential souls to be won to Christ