Tag Archives: DMM Obstacles

DMM Obstacles: Resistance from Pastors and Traditional Churches

resistance from pastors

They stood in front of my gate, a group of angry men. Impatiently, they rang the gatebell again and again. They came with demands. Emotions ran strong. Who were they? Angry Hindu fundamentalists? No. Surprisingly (or not), they were a group of Christian pastors from our city. A sometimes unexpected obstacle we frequently face in …

When Disciple-Making Strategy Becomes a Hidden Barrier to Growth

disciple-making strategy

Effective movement leaders don’t focus on disciple-making strategy. In contrast, the focus that consumes them is a passionate urgency to reach lost people. Concentrating on the wrong thing (even good disciple-making strategy) can hinder a movement from starting. Strategy is important and has its place. It’s not, however, what drives a Disciple Making Movement (DMM) …

How to Make Sure Your DMM Efforts Are Headed in the Right Direction

Dmm basics

Have you ever gotten on the wrong bus or train and not realized it? I have! Without a good understanding of Disciple Making Movement (DMM) principles, we can easily get off track. We waste time going in the wrong direction in our discipleship or church planting efforts. Oh No! I’m On The Wrong Train! A …

DMM Obstacle: Join Is Easy – Launch Is Harder

Dmm obstacle

“Every week they come. They are faithful…to attend church at least. But they are not fruitful. I can barely get them to witness to their neighbors. How will I ever get them to start new disciple-making groups (house churches)?” Many who want to launch Disciple Making Movements (DMMs) struggle to motivate local believers. Whether toward …