Episode 19: What to Do When You Feel Pressure to Produce Results



The pressure to perform and produce in ministry and disciple-making is real. It can be intense, especially for those who fundraise or are financially supported by others. Anderson speaks in this episode about this key issue with empathy, understanding, and wisdom as to how to deal with this in godly and effective ways.

Key Points from this episode:

  • Multiplying disciples can be slow in the beginning but in DMMs we often say “Slow is fast” because in the end, the result is far greater
  • Don’t despise small beginnings (Zech 4:10)
  • Go deep in making strong disciples to go fast later.
  • Not everyone will understand what you are doing. Take this as an opportunity to cast vision and educate others about why you are trying to do.
  • Go back to your why and to what Jesus commanded
  • Don’t expect rapid growth until after three years or more
  • Resist the pressure to perform (performance orientation) it is not from God.
  • Let the pressure be to obey Jesus’ command. Stay focused to and committed to this.
  • Allow God to use this situation where your fruit is not so big to grow your humility. Be faithful with the few so God can give you much (Parable of the Minas).
  • Hold on to God and to your why (the reason you are doing this).
  • God wants you to be fruitful and will fulfill His promises to you.


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements Course

Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers Blog

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