Cynthia Anderson

I specialize in training pastors, mission agencies, and other Kingdom-minded leaders in how to multiply disciples and catalyze Jesus movements in their areas. As an international speaker who has spoken to an audience of 10k+, a columnist for an award-winning Christian magazine, one who has founded several global enterprises, and created an online course that has trained thousands of students across 90 nations in how to multiply disciples, I am the go-to person for advice on how to mobilize and activate yourself and others toward greater spiritual fruitfulness. I’ve helped denominational leaders, bishops, pastors, mechanics, hairstylists, and housewives learn to multiply disciples and begin the journey toward launching new multiplying movements of Jesus’ followers in their areas.

I specialize in training pastors, mission agencies, and other Kingdom-minded leaders in how to multiply disciples and catalyze Jesus movements in their areas. As an international speaker who has spoken to an audience of 10k+, a columnist for an award-winning Christian magazine, one who has founded several global enterprises, and created an online course that has trained thousands of students across 90 nations in how to multiply disciples, I am the go-to person for advice on how to mobilize and activate yourself and others toward greater spiritual fruitfulness. I’ve helped denominational leaders, bishops, pastors, mechanics, hairstylists, and housewives learn to multiply disciples and begin the journey toward launching new multiplying movements of Jesus’ followers in their areas.

DMM Obstacles: Resistance from Pastors and Traditional Churches

resistance from pastors

They stood in front of my gate, a group of angry men. Impatiently, they rang the gatebell again and again. They came with demands. Emotions ran strong. Who were they? Angry Hindu fundamentalists? No. Surprisingly (or not), they were a group of Christian pastors from our city. A sometimes unexpected obstacle we frequently face in …